The lady is a magnificent blessing to us all. She is living with stage four breast cancer, taking heart from the support of family and friends too numerous to count.


Friday, October 3, 2008

Coffee is ready, the decks are clear, but Marita is getting a little extra zonk time this morning anyway. In no time we will be running through our morning paces to be ready for the day's activity.

Kathy stopped by to say hello and make sure we were okay. She will be our Friday morning sunshine.

Rob and Charlotte came around 11. They flew in from Colorado to help lighten our burdens for a few days. We caught up on recent news and then Charlotte took Marita under her wing while they sat outside in the sunshine and talked. Mercy passed through to drop off a chicken dinner and chat awhile.

Chaya came from hospice, providing counsel and leaving resource information.

Rob and I lugged some redundant furniture for tomorrow's town yard sale. Charlotte will be our price setter to protect Adrian's interests. They are looking forward to seeing old faces from the neighborhood.

Dennis repointed a few worrying mortar joints and then shared a Guinness with Rob and me. Jose stopped in to say hello after school.

Ellen and Charlie and Michaela and Mike brought dinner. Charlie grilled burgers and Michaela prepared her favorite beans and served some yummy cupcakes.

I apologize for all the calls I didn't return today. There was so much going on I couldn't get it done.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Marita!

Please know that I am thinking of you and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

John Hines