The lady is a magnificent blessing to us all. She is living with stage four breast cancer, taking heart from the support of family and friends too numerous to count.


Saturday, October 18, 2008

Marita slept in a bit today. It was almost ten when she got up. Kate and Jake took care of getting Marita ready, fixing breakfast for her and organizing dinner.
They also gave me a few hours off to go see the second half of my soccer team's game. I hadn't seen everyone since June and missed their comradery.

Gerry and Linda were on board early, helping with a few household chores, yard work, and various loose ends. Dan, Vanessa and the kids came after their morning soccer was done.

We had quite a few visitors in the afternoon. Robert, Rima, Barbara, Keisha, Lina and Vlad were all here to share time with Marita and offer comfort and support.

Jake prepared a hearty pea soup for dinner. We also had buffalo chicken and two fantastic salads from Elena.

Chase and Drew influenced the dessert choice: ice cream. They are staying over tonight to celebrate Drew's fourth birthday tomorrow. They are sleeping in a tent in the patio. Drew's first time ever.

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