The lady is a magnificent blessing to us all. She is living with stage four breast cancer, taking heart from the support of family and friends too numerous to count.


Monday, October 27, 2008

We had an early morning podiatry appointment today in Kensington. Traffic was a mess as usual but less aggravating to Marita than the tight fit of the examining chair. The chair was positioned too close to the wall so the aide couldn't get the backrest back far enough fot Marita to be comfortable. It wasn't pretty.

We were back in time to welcome Steven. He is in town from Nicaragua. He is a rowing buddy. It was great to have him hang out for a few hours. We hadn't seen hime in some time.

David came with Vanessa and Claudia. He brought a very tasty, and spicy, Vietnamese Pho soup.

Several of the Red Strikers came in mid-afternoon.

Lynne brought a pan of ziti for dinner. Since it arrived hot we had to enjoy it almost immediately. Marita had multiple helpings.

1 comment:

Bill III said...

Rink and Marita: I see from the last week's postings that you continue to have a train of visitors, both family and friends. I hope it is not too exhausting. I note that you had both Carolyn and Carol down at the same time - two "heavy hitters", I am sure! I am also sure they kept things lively and fun.

I am now getting a little busy after my brief respite with the settlement of the big case. But I'm not ready for vacation anyway - the financial gloom does not help either.

I will be calling by weekend to check in with you. In the meantime, take care - you are both in my prayers and thoughts. Love - Billy.