The lady is a magnificent blessing to us all. She is living with stage four breast cancer, taking heart from the support of family and friends too numerous to count.


Sunday, October 5, 2008

Another lovely day in the neighborhood. Marita took a few minutes extra snooze time but she had a good night's rest and was ready to enjoy the day.
Tony and Dail arrived last night. They organized breakfast this morning: bagels, scrambled eggs, bacon, fruits and cheese.
Anne sent this shot of Marita's Combos team from a few seasons back.

Vic and Maureen joined us after noon. While Maureen and the ladies engaged in parallel activities,

the gentlemen took a short break at a car show nearby followed by libations during the second half of the Skins-Eagles game.

Dail put out a spread of cheeses and baked goods for everyone to graze on all day. Tony made a stew with chorizo and pork which was served with garlic bread.

Prudy and Gerry stopped by on the way back from Rehoboth, bringing clothing we had left there last month and confirming that the refrigerator was not longer a Superfund candidate.

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