The lady is a magnificent blessing to us all. She is living with stage four breast cancer, taking heart from the support of family and friends too numerous to count.


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Today we faced a major challenge, getting out to Kensington for a Neurology consultation. Thanks to an assist yesterday from Thelma and Louise we have a wheelchair now. It was just the ticket for bypassing the front steps and scampering around back. Now it looks like Marita can be out without much worry.

The neurology appointment was very helpful. We were able to get a clearer picture of the test results from the spinal taps performed during the hospital stay. The neurologist also spent a fair amount of time explaining what the physical tests indicated.

Lally escorted Marita for a short walk near the park across the street.

Clark and Eileen came from downtown to bring us lunch. We enjoyed Clark's potato leek soup. Eileen fed my pretzel habit and brought a few meals we stored for later.

Rita stopped in to see how we were and to bring an oven-roasted chicken. She hung around to share stories with Clark and Eileen.

Lynne came by around dinner to bring meat loaf, mashed potatoes and bread but we already had Linda's spaghetti pie heating in the oven. This is like heaven for the leftover lover in us.

Dan, Vanessa and the grandchildren came to have dinner.

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