The lady is a magnificent blessing to us all. She is living with stage four breast cancer, taking heart from the support of family and friends too numerous to count.


Thursday, October 9, 2008

Today was an easy day. Sleep is going well. The pain meds are keeping Marita comfortable but not too groggy.
Veronica came early to bathe and dress Marita. When we are in sync this allows time for getting other things organized, like checking to see if I have caught a groundhog out back.
Marita's appetite is soaring. She has her cereal and then clamors for yogurt, bananas and whatever else she can scam.
Sherry came at one to review the meds and monitor the health metrics.
Lally took on the caregiving duties for the day, walking with Marita, grabbing the odd soup or snack, and so on. This gave me time to do some remote work on the computer and also run out for a prescription refill.
Father Dillon visited from St Mark's. Lally contacted him before she came down.
Then Ann's ice cream delivery from Graeter's arrived via UPS, 12 pints of immediate temptation. I don't think these will last long.
Dinner was coq au vin from Arlene, followed by grazing through the sweets collection.

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