The lady is a magnificent blessing to us all. She is living with stage four breast cancer, taking heart from the support of family and friends too numerous to count.


Monday, October 6, 2008

Better late than never. Marita had a good day today. No pain breakthroughs. Good appetite. A little trot in the backyard.
She has just gone to bed after a relaxing evening with just the two of us, perhaps the first time since she came home. She played Goldilocks a little trying to find a comfortable rest position. The winner tonight was the carpet.
Dinner was chicken and rice soup with bread, some leftover casserole and lemon meringue. Believe me we truly love this. Tastes great, more filling, and easy dish duty.
At day's end I performed my first telecommutation. It wasn't much but it was timely. It looks like this can work. I am relieved to know that I can keep the ball rolling on some things at the office.
Charlotte left for Annapolis just before dinner after mending a few "sentimental" fabric pieces she found in our laundry. Waste not, want not. Rob had left earlier. They will both return in the morning.
Marita ventured again around the backyard. Those who have seen our front hill can appreciate that a flatter alternative is like a new route to the Orient was 500 years ago. She is very determined to push to keep her legs working as long as she can.
Sherry was here after lunch to go over medications and Marita's comfort questions. We had a big scare when we woke this morning because Marita's right eye was filled with blood. It was nasty looking and we called hospice for help. Sherry assured Marita that it was okay but would need several days to clear. We suspect that she broke a blood vessel last night while getting massaged. We'll see.
Tony & Dail left shortly after noon to return to NJ. Thanks to Dail I will be able to find more of Marita's clothing more easily. I would have been clueless about the transition to cold weather clothing in the coming weeks.
Marita rested well again last night in spite of an unsettling pain breakthrough just before retiring.

Sorry. No pictures today. This weekend's selections told more than their fair share of words.

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