The lady is a magnificent blessing to us all. She is living with stage four breast cancer, taking heart from the support of family and friends too numerous to count.


Friday, October 10, 2008

Another nice day. What a pleasant week it has been.
Lally prepared our breakfast. Ham, sausage, scrambled eggs, cereal and fruit. Now Marita is worried she will gain 500 pounds. Yeah, right.

Catalina stopped in to say hello. She brought us rotiserrie chicken for dinner. Kathy was here to fill in various loose ends. She sat with us during breakfast, read to Marita and generally helped make things easy.

Nancy joined us at two, adding her butternut squash and apple soup to our arsenal of good eats. Nancy also put Marita through some PT exercises concentrating on range of motion and strength in her legs.

Cousin Pam was making a college visit to UMCP with her daughter Jodie and husband Lou so they made it a point to see us for a few hours before heading home to NJ. They brought us a full shelf of soups and pastas. It's sink or swim for leftovers now.

Caught nothing in the trap last night but the bait was gone.

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