The lady is a magnificent blessing to us all. She is living with stage four breast cancer, taking heart from the support of family and friends too numerous to count.


Sunday, October 12, 2008

The cousins returned for breakfast. They brought bagels and filled in some holes in our shopping list. We had a couple of nice hours before they had to head back.
Marita made a game effort working her legs on the stairs to see them off.

Jennifer, Bill and Matt share a bit of sunshine with Marita.

Lally and Marita

Later in the day we had a special surprise. About forty congregants from a nearby pentacostal church came to pray for Marita. We read Psalm 91 and prayed with them.

We had a quiet evening. Marita retired early.


Anonymous said...

Dear Rink and Marita,
So good to see both of you over the weekend. Tell Marita to keep her spirits up and you do the same Rink. I'll keep in touch and take care. I'll keep you both in my prayers.

Love Matt

Patricia Avento said...

Marit & Rink - my apologies if this comment appears twice. Matt tells me he, Bill and Jen had a heartwarming visit with you. They had decided later on Friday to head down and just was not enough lead time for me to go (plus the though of a road trip with that trio!!!). Anyway, I hope to be heading to DE in the next few weeks and would love to detour to MD for a visit on my way in or out of DE. Once I have a date, I'll be in touch. I think of you both often and you remain, as always, in my prayers.
Lots of love