The lady is a magnificent blessing to us all. She is living with stage four breast cancer, taking heart from the support of family and friends too numerous to count.


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Today was amazing.
We got off to a good start, the night having gone well and we were organized around 10.
Glenda came a little bit early to leave some more space for friends to visit later. She gave Marita her regular weekly massage. Of course, the end came too soon for Marita. She can't wait until next time.
Rob and Charlotte returned after breakfast. Charlotte helped write some thank you notes and get Marita started on journaling and thinking positive thoughts. Rob and I ran my FMLA paperwork over to the doctor's office. Then we hung out until they had to head back to Colorado. Rob downloaded some PT video we can use to help Marita work out with the therapy balls. What a special time, what a special pair of friends! We will miss them until they return next month.

Arlene and Eileen, friends from Marymount days, arrived around 2. Just as Glenda came early to give everyone else time, they came a little later to give Glenda more time for the massage. It all worked out well anyway. Eileen was there the night Marita and I met in February 1965. She came through on her way back to Puerto Rico. We all walked with Marita in the backyard. Then Delme and Eugenio joined us to share some of the fancy sweets friends have sent.
While all this was going on sister Lally arrived from NH. Of course, she immediately helped out with the pastries.

Dan P arrived sortly after 5 and began preparing our dinner, lemon chicken with roasted sweet potatoes. Tracy joined us bringing dessert, two insanely rich pie selections. Hmmmmmm, good.


Anonymous said...

Hi Uncle Rink -

Andrew & I would like to come down on the 25th to visit with you. I was thinking of bringing a casserole and some pumpkin spice bars. Let me know if this is okay and if Aunt Marita would prefer something else.

Talk to you soon - Love,

Anonymous said...

Hi Rink
I think of you and Marita so often and pray for you. Her strength and spirit have always been so incredible. Dail keeps me up to date. Please say hi to Marita for me.
Jeanne Moore