The lady is a magnificent blessing to us all. She is living with stage four breast cancer, taking heart from the support of family and friends too numerous to count.


Saturday, October 4, 2008

Today started slowly. For once we both slept past 8. But we had to get a move on quickly because today was the town yard sale and we had stuff to move. The day itself was beautiful.
Charlotte and Rob picked up a few things at the store before coming over.

Rob, Adrian, Jose and I started moving stock to the street. Of course, as soon as the heavy lifting was over Tom and Halie, Dan and Vanessa, Chase, Drew and Claudia showed up from the boys' soccer game. Later Tom, Dan and Jose provided local delivery service for some of the heavy stuff.

Breakfast ran into lunch as the cast of family and friends mined the refrigerator for sustinence.
We had a few quick sales on our "legacy" pieces. For these we took donations to the Susan B. Komen Foundation. Adrian's stuff was newer and in better shape so Charlotte tried to drive a harder bargain for him with mixed success. The sofa and dinette set found buyers but the rest remained unclaimed.

Rita, Colen and Elaine, Connie and Gina made cameo appearances during the afternoon.

Eileen and Lori came from Virginia as the yard sale was closing down. They spent afternoon with Marita looking at pictures and sharing news. Eileen introduced beef to our soup menu with a hearty vegetable beef offering. This really hit the spot for Marita as our bulging refrigerator lacked the taste Marita was craving at dinnertime.

We had some quiet time for dinner and then made a few calls to family before turning in. Tony and Dail drove down from NJ this evening and arrived in time to kiss Marita goodnight.


Bill III said...

Rink and Marita: Hello - I hope you are having a good day. This autumn weather is just great - but I am not sure you share my enthusiasm for this cool weather. I am in CT and this is the first relaxing weekend (read - no work - barely get off the couch) since Labor Day.

I see all the friends and family that are visiting you, which I am sure is some real comfort and distraction.

As the blog noted, the funeral service for Scott was lovely and well done. Joe and Carolyn offered touching (and brief) words that reflect the deep sentiment everybody had for Scott. It is clear that his loss is a deep loss to the family.

Nothing to report here of any real excitement or interest. My father and Mary leave for their annual cruise tomorrow. I told Mary to limit my Dad's time in the bars. Patricia's oldest has been working for 3 months for a litigation management firm, after deciding that he didn't want to be an engineer (he's a Penn State Engineering grad). He came home last weekend and announced that he wanted to be an engineer now - the look of exasperation of Peash's face as she related this was indescribable.

I am going to try to make a trip down this month if at all possible and if you calendar is not full. I will discuss with Rink shortly.

Take care for now - you are in my thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

Hi Rink and Marita--I really enjoyed spending the afternoon with both of you yesterday, and Lori, and hanging out with Dan, Vanessa, Chase, Drew and Claudia for a while. And I really appreciate the new plastic flatware I inherited as you cleaned out the basement. I might use it today. Thanks for the donation to Susan Komen Foundation from your yardsale revenue. Great idea. I am working on menu for you for some night later this week or next weekend. Might include margaritas, but will check on your taste buds first to find out any cravings. Love, Eileen

Unknown said...

Hi Rink and Marita,

It sounds like you guys are partying like crazy and I hope are enjoying the many people who love you. Darrell and I wanted to bring a dinner dish to you this week. We are thinking about making a chicken dish. Would Wednesday, Saturday or Sunday be good? Julie