The lady is a magnificent blessing to us all. She is living with stage four breast cancer, taking heart from the support of family and friends too numerous to count.


Friday, November 21, 2008

Once again I had time to do a morning workout to start the day as Rob arrived early to get breakfast organized and watch over Marita.

Kathy was here for her weekly visit. She regularly brings a sandwich for Marita. Today it had greater impact because Marita devoured all of it. She has been getting picky with the food lately, partly because the problem she has swallowing.

Pam and Gloria, old friends from days past at CT Reed, came by at lunchtime. They shared stories and pictures with us, including the one posted today on the left.

Robin came to give Marita a massage in mid-afternoon. Marita had been having discomfort today but she seemed to relax for the massage.

Marita balked at eating dinner and insisted on going to bed instead. It was a struggle but she ate, but not much. I will have to roust her later for her bedtime meds.

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