The lady is a magnificent blessing to us all. She is living with stage four breast cancer, taking heart from the support of family and friends too numerous to count.


Monday, November 10, 2008

Jake and Katie stayed on past the weekend. This morning they once more took care of Marita's bath and breakfast. Jake had to head back to NY around noon.

Jesse was here to sit with Marita and share a spiritual time together. Marita was in a sad mood today. Jesse helps her with these issues. Today it was particularly poignant when she recited the prayer of St. Francis after Jesse asked if she had a favorite prayer.

Sherry made her regular Monday visit. Pain and anxiety management are the big issues. Marita's right eye continues to improve. Her hearing seems to be getting worse.

Elaine stopped in for a quick hello. Then Karen appeared with a meal on behalf of the Red Strikers.

Dennis came by to check on the Guinness supply and finish the tile repair in the bathroom. Marita was deep in sleep as we sampled a second libation in the basement watching Adrian play video games.

Lally arrived from NH and got herself settled.

At day's end Chaya checked in from hospice.

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