The lady is a magnificent blessing to us all. She is living with stage four breast cancer, taking heart from the support of family and friends too numerous to count.


Saturday, November 22, 2008

Marita and I were alone for much of the day. It was a challenge to make it through breakfast without supporting hands. Marita is having more trouble swallowing and is not able to easily feed herself.

Dan, Vanessa and the grands came mid-afternoon. I broke out the seviche Charlotte made.

Prudy, Gerry and Dan P came over for a little happy hour. Prudy brought a soup for Marita. We found that it may now work best to puree Marita's food.

Once again Marita went to bed before eight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Rink, Marita, Dan and Adrian~

We had a much smaller Thangsgiving than ever before, just 9 of us, but we were happy to be together at the Club, and thinking of you all. Jed spent 2 nights with Andrew at our house so I got to see a bit of the Duchenes which was wonderful. I read your Thanksgiving blog enrty with interest, I have never even seen or tasted a grilled turkey and would love to hear more (Jake has fried a turkey, yum, but grilling seems complicated!)I also love the picture of Rink and Marita on the hill, Marita looking back over her shoulder...where was that taken? It is a beautiful shot of both of you. I am trying to send this comment, anonymously per the instrustions, but if you haven't guessed it's Carolyn, feeling a million miles away from you all today, but you are in our thoughts and prayers. xoxoxo crc