The lady is a magnificent blessing to us all. She is living with stage four breast cancer, taking heart from the support of family and friends too numerous to count.


Monday, November 24, 2008

Rob returned to be with us for another day. He came early again so I was able to work out before getting Marita ready. Rob picked up the egg and sausage sandwich Marita seems to like. Happily she again finished it all. We had Marita bathed, dressed and fed in time for an 11am massage.

Robin came again to provide massage for Marita. She is provided by hospice and is available twice each month.

Jesse arrived before Robin was finished so he sat with Adrian, Rob and me over coffee. We discussed Thanksgiving plans and Marita's recent behavioral changes. Marita was too zonked out after the massage to handle much pastoral care.

Sherry checked in with us around one. We decided to give Marita's throat a break by stopping a few of the pills for a while. She is sleeping well and hasn't had any stomach discomfort so we will see if she can do without those meds. Since her days have been so short recently we are also reducing her 3pd day pills to 2pd.

Adrian took a break from his caregiving to go shopping for our Thanksgiving turkey.

Karen made a quick visit to drop off another dinner from the Red Strikers.

Maggie joined us for part of the afternoon. She arranged for our dentist to come by tomorrow after Marita's Tuesday massage so we wouldn't have to bring her in the the office unless there is something worrisome.

Rita popped in to say hello and spend a few minutes with us. Meanwhile Rob slipped out and promised to return Tuesday.

Clark came out after work bringing his potato-leek soup that Marita loves so much she has two bowls. We relaxed over a beer or two as we waited for Marita to end her nap.

Eileen came a little later to round out the group. She brought a Moroccan lamb stew because she had heard me raving about Rima's dish and wanted to give it a try. We get to see how much they differ on the theme.

John L arrived as we were sipping through the soup. He brought more dinner. We gave part of it an immediate taste because it was the kind of soft food Marita now prefers.

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