The lady is a magnificent blessing to us all. She is living with stage four breast cancer, taking heart from the support of family and friends too numerous to count.


Saturday, November 15, 2008

Today we tried something new. So far all Marita's trips out of the house have been for doctor's appointments or to vote. Lally expressed an interest in visiting the National Shrine so we asked Marita if she would like to go there.
Road Trip.

We got ourselved ready and made sure not to dally after breakfast. We were able to get on the road before one. It was a bit squishy getting out and Marita was notably weaker supporting her weight but the benefits of the day were significant.

We spent almost four hours at the shrine. It was a time of peace and calm, in effect a spiritual massage.

When we returned we had some soup and then continued to graze until bedtime, ie. 7:30 for Marita. Dan came down to hang with us so she managed to last until nine-ish. Afterwards Dan and I shared a few brews until Adrian came home.

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