The lady is a magnificent blessing to us all. She is living with stage four breast cancer, taking heart from the support of family and friends too numerous to count.


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Rob was back again early this morning to start the breakfast routine for us. Since I was up a little earlier I took the opportunity to put my erg to good use before he arrived.

Marita's appetite is variable lately. This week she has been doing well with hot cereals, soups and pasta dishes. She enjoys soup during the afternoon. She did well with dinner this evening.

Delores joined us for her regular Wednesday visit. She stayed a little longer today. Perhaps she enjoyed today's company sharing the watch over Marita.

Marita resisted the sofa until noon but there is only so much sitting she can take. She rests well on the sofa but tends to nod off, as she did for several hours today. Pain and anxiety were not a problem today.

Communication is a challenge. The hearing assitive devices do not provide consistent engagement. Often writing on a whiteboard has been more reliable.

Nancy was back in town from SC. She relaxed with Marita, Delores, Rob and me but still had time to service the wheelchair.

Charlotte and Margaret came by to catch up with Rob before heading downtown for dinner.

Deniz visited with us for a little while after dinner. Marita had her usual foot bath and then hit the sack early.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Maria and Rink, This is far from my first attempt to contact you through "comments". For some reason they don't post. Today I'm going to try it anonymously, maybe that will work.
I think of you constantly and pray for you both all of the time. Marita, I feel so useless laid up like this. There is no way I could be of any help to either of you. I'm completely dependant on Damian.
I would just like to be able to sit with youu and talk to you and give you one of those massages you like so much. I could regail you with my stories of how cool I thought it was to be your younger sister. I would thank you both for making my 8 years in th DC area so extra special. You both made me feel like I belonged all the time,
It's a gift you both have.
I just need you to know Marita, that my heart is reaching for you all the time. I have spent so much time unable to move and a lot of time alone and one of the things I like to do is close my eyes and let my heart reach out to you. Then I imagine we are together talking and laughing and reminissing.
It makes me feel closer to you
but you never know I sending all my love your way.
You remain the sister who I am always so proud of, who I spent my years emulating, who knew the secret to a good marriage, who always made everyone feel special,
who can take on the fight of your life with strenght and dignity.
I love you Marita. Realy though, those words just sit there and pale compared to how my heart just
overflows with love for you.
Always, Barbara