The lady is a magnificent blessing to us all. She is living with stage four breast cancer, taking heart from the support of family and friends too numerous to count.


Saturday, September 27, 2008

Yesterday was a long day with lots on our plate so we slept later this morning. Joe made cinnamon pancakes with bacon and sausage for Marita. She polished them off eagerly. Apparently we don't have to rely on cream of wheat.
Julie stopped by to say hello and offer warmth and support.
Dan and Siu came later in the afternoon. They brought a delicious butternut squash soup which we polished off for dinner. Joe and I rustled up some barbequed chicken legs and hash brown potatoes. Deniz joined us for dinner.
Marita ate pretty well all day and was able to nod off several times. She gets antsy when she sits too much so we need all the help we can get to walk her around the house.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi, Marita- Hi, Rink !!!
Glad that you are back in the comfort of your home.Hope that Marita the athlete can get up and about as much as possible.
I'll be arriving in NJ on Fri, the 3rd, and hope to be able to visit you a few dayslater! I'm in touch with Arlene, so it's in the planning. Wishing you "bon courage" and a good night.
Love you both lots !!!!