The lady is a magnificent blessing to us all. She is living with stage four breast cancer, taking heart from the support of family and friends too numerous to count.


Sunday, September 28, 2008

We slept well again last night. Marita was able to get back to sleep quickly after rising a few times. She was zonked from 6-10am. Now that I am totally on her schedule the challenge is to catch naps during the day.
Joe prepared breakfast again. We had scrambled eggs, blueberry muffins and a side of the fruits Ann and Henry sent. Tom and Halie stopped over on the way to signing the lease to their new apartment on Capitol Hill. They are staying with Dan, Vanessa and the kids. Lots of cheer for the lady today.
Then a couple of our longest (oldest?) friends Jim and Claudia came all the way from Warrenton to spend a few hours holding us in hand. Marita had a afternoon of massage from Dan and then Claudia.
This evening Rima brought us another edition of the tasty Moroccan lamb stew she brought us in January. We all enjoyed multiple servings and look forward to a mini-taste later in the week. Deniz joined us for dinner and to give Marita more massage while we caught up on the shows we missed during the hospital sojourn.

Other important events of the day:

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