The lady is a magnificent blessing to us all. She is living with stage four breast cancer, taking heart from the support of family and friends too numerous to count.


Thursday, September 25, 2008


Well, here we go. Today is discharge day. Together we start a new passage unlike any we have encountered before. I hope we are up to it.
It's noontime. Marita had her bath and I did her hair. This has been one of her daily highlights at the hospital. Unfortunately, the water was running a little cooler than she likes.
Marita wants to leave sometime after 2pm so we are not rushing off. We need to choose an outfit to wear home, get all the new meds, get the word out.
Of course, Marita is worried. Worried about today, tomorrow, next week, next month and on and on.


We left the hospital about 4pm as rain began to fall. When we opened her walker we discovered that it was too short. That will need immediate attention because the lady wants to amble.

We had fajitas for dinner. We hope Marita can keep up her appetite. We also took time to sort out her new pile of meds.


Anonymous said...

So glad the lady is back home. We'll be calling to schedule a visit. Hopefully, she'll have an appetite. We're planning to force our way in with food.
- The Pasquinis

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for letting me know about Marita---as a breast cancer person myself, the recurrence is the thing we all worry about. Please tell Marita that she is in our thoughts and prayers. We can only take one day at a time and do what the doctors tell us. She has lots of people who love her too and that, I know, is a tremendous lift day to day.
Love to you both.
Marianne and Lee

Anonymous said...

I think I remember that D.C. Balloon man. I spent my share of time around M St. and Wisc. Ave in my Marymount, Arlington days. Norm and I are thinking about you guys like crazy tonight as you settle back into home. A day at a time - God promises his grace and help sufficient unto this day only and then we start again tomorrow. I struggle with that one - I'm always trying to get ahead of myself - God help me to trust You... Luke and Chrystal stopped by earlier tonight with pictures and video from her latest ultrasound. This little boy, not fully formed - preparing to enter this life sometime in late January. God take care of him... Anyway, loving you to pieces from afar my beautiful sister (and Rink too) Lal & Co.