The lady is a magnificent blessing to us all. She is living with stage four breast cancer, taking heart from the support of family and friends too numerous to count.


Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Last night's sleep was another series of two hour stints like the previous nights. Marita was awake an hour earlier at about 8:30am. I persuaded her to stay in bed to allow me time to got ready. We were bathed, dressed and fed by 10am. That has been the goal so far. Breakfast was scramble eggs, sausage and toasted muffins. Marita's appetite is holding up pretty well.
Glenda came at 10:30 for Marita's massage session. Vanessa and Dan have been providing this comforting therapy since August. Marita spent an hour or so tuning out while I was able to catch up on some phone calls.
We finished off Jeanne's Italian wedding soup for lunch.
Later Lynne came by with pastitsio for dinner. She was kind enough to sit with Marita and hold her hands. She also covered for me while I went to exchange walkers for Marita at the hospital. It's a long story but the gist is that Marita was fitted for a walker but it disappeared from her room. We made a stink about it and were sent home with the wrong size. Additional stink finally yielded a replacement.
When I returned Bob and Shelley had showed up to cheer Marita. They also helped calm Marita during a pain breakthrough.
Gwen and Shelley L. came after they left and caught Marita up on happenings at CT Reed and other events.
Deniz came to give Marita another back massage.

1 comment:

James said...

Marita & Rink,

You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. I was deeply saddened to hear about Scott....just wanted to let you that you will continue to be in our prayers

James, Noel & family