The lady is a magnificent blessing to us all. She is living with stage four breast cancer, taking heart from the support of family and friends too numerous to count.


Monday, September 29, 2008

Such a Sad Day

We rose today to the saddest, most stunning news. Scott Hunter passed away last night. Marita's brother Joe had been with us since Tuesday and had returned last evening to New York. He was totally exhausted when he got home. Scott was complaining of chest pain and had to be taken to the ER by ambulance. Tragically, it was a heart attack. He passed away at the hospital.
Joseph, this is more sadness than we can bear. We love you. We pray for you and Scott. We wish we could hold you in our arms, just as we did yesterday and all through the week.

Marita rested well overnight. Again, she slept late. The routine now is that I get up and get ready for the day; I wake her for either bathing or medications; she gets dressed and we have breakfast. We try to get this done by 10am.

Today Kathy came by with sandwiches and energy-rich smoothies. Then Thelma and Louise stopped by to visit. They also did a little walking around the floor with Marita.

Sherry came in early afternoon to check on the medications. We are waiting for some longlasting pain meds to replace what we were discharged with. Sherry also did a plan for the home care aide who will come in twice each week starting tomorrow.

We finished off Jeanne's Italian Wedding soup along with some cookies, fruit and carrot cake for a quick snack. Marita is supposed to do short, frequent meals so the great variety of food we have accumulated since Thursday will allow some variety.

Adrian covered while I went out for a haircut. That was also their signal to start a Star Trek marathon. Beam me out of the room for that. I had it cut pretty short so it won't need any attention for awhile. Joe advised that I not do the bald thing. It just isn't me and it might freak Marita.

For dinner we made a dent in the Chicken Noodle soup and casserole provided by June. We are eating well and the cupboard remains full.


Prudy said...

So sorry to hear about Scott - that must have been quite a blow to Joe.

Gerry and I were thinking of coming over on Wednesday night this week and bringing dinner. If that is OK, will we show up on the calendar? I'm still not quite sure how this whole thing works.


Bill III said...

Marita (and Rink): Such sad news - I opened your blog to find the news on Scott. His loss is terribly sad and joltingly sudden. I will be at the services Wed and Thurs, and will have you both in mind.

I hope you are having a relatively comfortable day. I wish I had some positive news to relate now, but the news on Scott has me kind of stumped. I will be talking to you soon. You are in my thoughts and prayers - Love - Billy

Unknown said...

Marita and Rink,
We are so sorry to hear about Scott. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Our hearts especially go out to Joseph.

Christine & Michael