The lady is a magnificent blessing to us all. She is living with stage four breast cancer, taking heart from the support of family and friends too numerous to count.


Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Marita suddenly changed her recent routine today. After a little pop of itchiness to get up at dawn she was pretty much up most of the day. When she woke she complained about not going anywhere or eating anything for four days. We couldn't go to far but we at least had a day in which she had food, drink and a pretty much normal set of meds. It wasn't until after six that all the activity caught up with Marita so that she had to go to bed.

Delores was here per usual on Wednesday. She and I work together and separately on all the combinations of movement that Marita's care required. May God bless you, delores.

Charlie and I were in touch during the day over work. We decided to continue our discussion here after hours. While Charlie prepared stuffing for his holiday party we knocked down a few shots of Balvenie.

Deniz caught up with us before we were done so she joined us for a small one. After Charlie left Deniz sat with Marita as she lay in bed.

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