The lady is a magnificent blessing to us all. She is living with stage four breast cancer, taking heart from the support of family and friends too numerous to count.


Saturday, December 6, 2008

Dan stayed overnight along with the boys. He wanted to be available in case Marita or yours truly had a difficult night. He also wanted to let me have a chance to play my first soccer game since June with my over-55 team.

Chase, of course, had to have his usual camping experience when staying over. This time we set up the tent in our bedroom. Drew was not impressed. He stayed close to Daddy.

Jim came in very early to join Dan in caring for Marita while I was out recreating. Upon my return we had time to relax together watching football and Marita sleep.

Marita's night was better than usual. She slept long and soundly with only one middle of the night interruption. Still she didn't eat much for breakfast. Then she had herself planted on the couch and nodded off most of the day. For the second day in a row she chewed on her extended release medication tablet. We will need another strategy if this continues.

Vanessa came with Claudia later in the afternoon so the whole gang had dinner together.

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