The lady is a magnificent blessing to us all. She is living with stage four breast cancer, taking heart from the support of family and friends too numerous to count.


Monday, November 17, 2008

Lally stayed with us through breakfast and then was on her way to NH.

Rob is back in the house. Together we guided Marita through the maze of medications and food choices for breakfast. In between visitors I spent much of the day raking leaves.

Jesse came for his Monday spiritual visit. He gave Adrian special attention this morning after catching up on the week with Marita.

Sherry made her nursing visit after lunch. Marita has had several days in a row with less pain. She also seems less anxious.

Thelma and Louise popped in after Sherry departed. They dropped off a meal from Iland and Tiana.

Red Strikers Nancy, Sarah and Karen came with dinner and did extra duty by running out to the Giant with our shopping list.

Rob sat with Marita most of the day and engaged everyone as I raked. Then the three of us had a bowl of soup together before he headed off to Annapolis. Before Rob left son Jose stopped in after school to be with us. He finished off the last of Sunday's fajitas while we got dinner organized and then was off.

Marita willingly took her foot bath and retired comfortably at 9:30.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No complaints about my trip home. I arrived at 7 PM having made two stops. My second stop was early into Conn. - a place I hadn't stopped since Luke was a little boy. Mom had packed us a lunch for the trip back to NH & given us a thermos filled with pink 7-up. Luke thought that was the most wonderful thing. I walked over to the picnic table where we had shared that lunch so many years before and stood there cherishing the memory.
Marita, thanks for teaching me that little traveling prayer you told me you've been saying when I drive down to see you. It came in very handy on the trip back especially when I started to feel tired. "Lord, wings beneath my wheels and under my feet." I will always say it with you in mind, Marita.
Thanks, too, for recommending the Curel Moisture Lotion for my dry skin. I went out and bought some today.
I told Norm & Jed about the beautiful rainbow the three of us saw on the way home from the Shrine Saturday. "Cool!" - an ancient sign of God's favor (upon my beloved sister and her loving husband, no doubt).
Oh, just one thing before I go. I left something behind at your house on Underwood Street. Please let me know if it turns up will you - my heart.
I love you both.
